Hi! Thank you so much for your interest in my services and work! My name is Sarah and I am a proud mother of four. I work full-time as a Banker and part-time Photographer/Designer/Business owner based in the NorthWestern Panhandle but my studio right now is located at Freedom, Oklahoma. I will be moving my Studio to Buffalo Ok, beginning July 1st!  I have worked for years trying to make this part of my journey come true with six years experience as a freelance professional photographer and business owner. I am working very hard so I can go back to college for an Engineering Degree in Robotics. My passions include Photography, Books, (when i have the time lol) Art, Science and Space, Babies (of course), the Ocean, Cooking Out, & Learning how things work. I’m into Robotics, computer coding (just started ;)) & AI. I like to sew (the designer in me) just to see what I can create. I love being able to use my experience and talent to create gorgeous images.

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